Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is It Safe?

Eating dinner at my wife's favorite vegetarian restaurant tonight and after she orders her tofu, she turns and asks, "Is that okay for the baby?"

I may be clueless, but I have technology on my side. Quicker than the kitchen can turn out her grilled tofu cooked in orange ginger sauce served over brown rice, with steamed chard, arame, and homemade pickled cabbage, I successfully search and answer her question; yes, you can eat that.

In the middle of our meal, she orders a hibiscus tea. Again, out comes the phone. Yes honey, you can have that. I quickly determine that what we need is more information. I can't, won't, be the kind of father/husband that pre-screens every morsel and drop that goes into her stomach.

After dinner we stop at the local book emporium and purchase the pregnancy bible, What To Expect When You're Expecting. By the time the Broncos finish slouching their way through tonight's preseason game, we both have read the section on food. We are now armed with knowledge.

And waddya know, there's a website too:

What To Expect When You're Expecting

Is there an app for that?

1 comment:

  1. Okay here is the serious thing you guys have got to do, stop worrying!!!! What to expect when you are expecting is a pretty fear based approach to pregnancy, get a different book, one that doesn't give you so much information like any of Sheila Kitzinger's books. But that book has been known to cause high levels of stress in soon to be parents it isn't healthy.
